The Witch of the Night - Wendy and none other than Count Surin-cula.

The whole gang of ghoul, ghost, monster and witch caught on camera.

The "Distinghuished" ghost quenching his thirst for H2O.

UEM Toastmasters Halloween meeting on 3rd October 2007 got off to a goose bumpy start with the attendees reporting disturbing evil laughter and shrieks at the regular venue (some said it was the souls of ex-TM members...trapped between their Ice-Breaking and Speech No.2).

The attendees then frantically fled the venue and moved to a slightly more serene place - the Home of the Fireflies.

Despite the minor tragedy and a dead man in the meeting room, the spirits of the Toastmasters remained high and the meeting kicked off with TM Wei Sheng babbling about his life as an accountant.

Next, in the midst of high-pitch shrieks filling the room with terror, the table topics got underway with a Halloween-themed random word game.

The meeting ended with a feast of fried long-worms with bloody sauce, some scary healthy vegetables, eyeball canapés and a container of unidentified yellow stuff.

At the end, everyone had fun giving speeches while hiding behind petrifying-looking masks. Fortunately no casualty, emotional or physical, was recorded.


iMi said…
i like the last picture, hahahaha!!!
Rohi Jas said…
Now I regret not going. No more not going for me. Must attend all UEM TMC meetings in future. Grr ...
HeDz said…
Don't worry.
raya meeting coming up. come with your ketupat and rendang leftovers. in case my mom not cooking any this year. :(

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