Speak Up Debater !
Greetings Fellow Toastmasters,
Step up, stand up and speak up. Ladies and gentlemen, your next theme of the day…
Speak Up Debater!
We are all Toastmasters here. We are communicators, we are leaders, so aren’t we debaters? This week’s meeting will give you every chance to make yourself be heard, loud and clear when you step up and speak up just like a debater!
The meeting will be held as follows.
Date: 23 July 2008, Wednesday
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: 18th Floor, Tower 1, Faber Towers, Taman Desa
To cast light on our meeting, we are having special guests:
Ernest Wong, CC, ALB, Area W2 Governor (Accompanied by his Assistant Area Governor of Education – you know the guy, just come and see…)
Dr Devi Menon, ACG, CL, Area W3 Governor
Suresh Mohan, ACB, CL, Division W Secretary
The highlight of the meeting will be the Point of Information. Wondering what is that? You’ll see, you’ll see. Just come and make yourself free!
No worries my dear friends. You won’t be tossed and tussled into any battle of words. All you will do is just… speak like a debater.
Step up, stand up and speak up. Ladies and gentlemen, your next theme of the day…
Speak Up Debater!
We are all Toastmasters here. We are communicators, we are leaders, so aren’t we debaters? This week’s meeting will give you every chance to make yourself be heard, loud and clear when you step up and speak up just like a debater!
The meeting will be held as follows.
Date: 23 July 2008, Wednesday
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: 18th Floor, Tower 1, Faber Towers, Taman Desa
To cast light on our meeting, we are having special guests:
Ernest Wong, CC, ALB, Area W2 Governor (Accompanied by his Assistant Area Governor of Education – you know the guy, just come and see…)
Dr Devi Menon, ACG, CL, Area W3 Governor
Suresh Mohan, ACB, CL, Division W Secretary
The highlight of the meeting will be the Point of Information. Wondering what is that? You’ll see, you’ll see. Just come and make yourself free!
No worries my dear friends. You won’t be tossed and tussled into any battle of words. All you will do is just… speak like a debater.