Pronunciation Workshop by DTM Azmi Shahrin

"Jac jump over the candlestic."

How do we converse in English daily. You mean what you say, but do you really say what you mean? Tenses and plosive sounds (what's that?) are very important in our daily speech but how do we say the right words correctly.

Do you tell your colleagues the next morning that "I cook dinner" or "I cook-ed dinner"? Do you pay the "exac amoun" or the "exac-t amoun-t"?
Introducing to you, the Pronunciation Workshop!

To facilitate and conduct the workshop, we have just the right person in DTM Azmi Shahrin!

The details are as follow:

Day/Date: Friday, 28 November 2008
Time: 3.00 - 5.00 pm
Venue: UEM Academy, Laman Ilmu UEM, Petaling Jaya
Door Fees: RM 15 (members), RM 20 (non-members)

Please confirm your attendance to the Organising Chair, Ridzuan or myself. Our contact details are as below:

Ridzuan - 017-8863061 (
Hadzrin - 017-3659599 (

Come on fellow Toastmasters, don't miss this wonderful opportunity! Let's develop our speech by improving our pronunciation. Then all of us will truly understand the very fact that...

Jack jump-ed over the candlestic-k!


Warmes-t regards,
UEM Academy TMC 2008/2009


Azmi Shahrin said…
Great promo on me. I'm flattered, thanks

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