Report of AGM Term 2008/2009
Succession planning is very important in continuing the sustainability and growth of an organisation. The same applies to Toastmasters club as well.
Time flies. We are now nearly the end of the term 2008/2009 and soon, it will be the time to pass the baton to the next line of leaders for both UEM Group & UEM Academy Toastmasters Club. The AGM was then fixed on the 29 Apr 09.
The meeting started with the President's opening speeches by President Hadzrin for UEMA TMC and VPE Johan for UEM Group TMC (as President Zakiah is on confinement leave now). Both clubs presented their respective reports on DCP, activities conducted for the term as well as the Treasurer's report.
Next on the agenda is the highlight of the AGM, the election for Exco 2009/2010. The nominating chairman was none other than the Area W2 Governor-elect, ACB, CL Hadzrin and assisted by his committees, Secretary - Yau, Timer - Survinne and SAA - Shiham.
The best part here is that if there are more than 2 nominees for a post, each of the nominee was given 2 minutes to convince the voters why should we vote for him/her. Finally, after rounds of campaign speeches, the votes were casted and the new lineup of Exco 2009/2010 is selected!
UEM Academy TMC Exco 2009/2010:
President: Ridzuan
President: Ridzuan
VPE: Liza
VPM: Hishammudin
VPPR: Elias
Secretary: Janah
Treasurer: Azlina
SAA: Muhammad
Exco Member: Helmi