The Last Meeting Report for Term 2008/09

Time flies. It has come to the end of the term and this would be the last meeting report for the term 2008/09.

The very special last meeting theme is "Subject-Verb Agreement". In this meeting, we have to be mindful to speak in the correct english grammar and pronunciation. The word of the day was also somewhat a unique word, "conjugate" which means join together. ACB, CL Hadzrin took up the role as the TME for this last meeting and he has hand picked CC Ridzuan to be his SAA again! The combination just like what we used to have during the starting of the term last year...

This meeting was also graced by the Past Division W Governor, DTM Azmi Shahrin. He has given us a lecture on the Subject-Verb Agreement, which we found it very useful as it served as an English grammar revision for all of us. The lecture reminded us of our old school English class... :)

Table Topics Session

This time, we had our first time Table Topics Master CC Liza to provide the challenge to our brave souls. The speakers were asked to use the correct subject verb agreement when delivering their topics. Some of the topics were challenging especially with the presence of our English teacher, DTM Azmi staring at the speakers which made it more challenging. However, TM Faisal, TM Hishammudin, CC Shiham and TM Janah managed to perform and give their best!... while trying to use the word of the day in their story that entertained us very much.

Project Speeches Session

CCM#1 Lim Chong Jin - "PPP"

The area W3 table topic champion has finally done his ice breaker, in a spontaneous way. The "PPP" here is not referring to the People's Parti Progressive in Sabah, but it's about TM Chong Jin's born place, Penang and his passion. He spoke with energy, body language and he definitely spoke like a seasoned speaker.

CCM#4 Looi Khen Yu - "Internet"

TM Looi has chosen a topic that was relevant to everyone in our daily life, the Internet! He has given us some statistics on the most browsed website and everyone was so interested about it. A very informative speech indeed.

CCM #8 Marziana - "The Last Lecture"

This was also the book review session where TM Marziana shared with us about the book The Last Lecture. She has extracted the important points and displayed them by using power point slides. It was not only informative but also an inspiring speech!

Evaluation Session

The GE, DTM Azmi took over the floor and he has reminded the evaluators to emphasize more on recommendations and to keep the praising part to 30%. We had the following evaluators:

1. CC, CL Yau - Table Topics Evaluator
2. TM Faisal - Evaluate TM Chong Jin
3. DTM Rohijas - Evaluate TM Looi
4. CC Johan - Evaluate TM Marziana

This session was full of laughters as the evaluators were asked by the GE to speak with ENERGY! It was so funny especially when Faisal was trying to speak with energy. You could only feel it if you were there... Great session...

Award Presentation

And the winner goes to... *drum roll*

Best Project Speaker: TM Chong Jin

Best Table Topics Speaker: TM Janah

Best Evaluator: DTM Rohijas

Even though the meeting ended after 10pm, but everyone was having a fun time and enjoyed the meeting.

Overall, it has been a great term with the dedicated officers, great events and most importanly, the learning journey. The grateful thing is that we could see the improvement of members, from being speechless, nervous to becoming a confident and better speaker. On behalf of the club officers term 2008/09, I wish to thank all the members who have contributed to the development of the clubs and please accept our sincere apologies if we did any wrong doings.

Thank you so much!

Signing off,
WY Yau
Out-going VPE 2008/09


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