Congratulation to the UEM Group TM Club Winners!!!!

Dear my fellow friends,

Alhamdulillah, finally we have completed our club contest (UEM Group Toastmasters Club) successfully.Thus, the winners will represent our club in Area W5 Humorous and Evaluation contest on 24th August 2009.The venue yet to be confirmed.

Special thanks to:

1. Our Area Governor W5, ACB,CL Christine Khoo for her dedication and supports towards our Club!

2. Our Chief Judge, CC,CL Tan Lay Theng and her dedicated team of judges for their precious time judging and evaluate our contestants.

3. All the role players (Ben - Contest Chair, Johan - Organizing Chair & Contest Chair, Alysher Lim from Speecom TMC & Jared Chew - Test Speaker, Azlina & Zack-Timers, Mazlan & K.Liza - Ballot Counters and Looi - SAA)

4. Our champs a.k.a contestants in participating the contest.

Below are the results:

The winner for Humorous Contest.... drum rolls...

CC, Wong Chiah Yih

1st Runner up
Rohijas Md Sharif, DTM

The winner for Evaluation Contest.. drum rolls.....

Rohijas Md Sharif, DTM

1st Runner up
Nurshiham CC

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck to Survinne and Rohijas in Area W Contest.. Make all of us proud in our Area!!!!

Don't forget to support our UEM Academy Toastmaster Club Contest which will be this coming Wednesday at UEM Academy, PJ.



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